The Stager Course with Barb

Welcome to My New Home Staging Course! You will learn more productive ideas and grow from more progressive techniques and skills which you can apply immediately in Your Staging or RE Business!  Below I share some of the Main areas that I will cover and teach you. I will personally cover each topic intensely and its application. A Q and A we will have together regarding each topic and subject to make sure that you have your questions answered in a timely way.


As a Professional Stager or a Professional RE Agent You deserve to take my new course NOW! You have absolutely everything to gain and absolutely nothing to lose! I am presenting a Course for Professional Stagers and a Course for RE Agents. Day one is shared together Stagers and Agents for 7 hours of the 8 hour day. The last hour is for Stagers Only.

Stagers Your Intensive Course is with me personally for 2 days, each an eight-hour minimum learning experience day. The 2 days are one week apart. There will also be an important yet not stressful assignment for your professional benefit during the week in-between. Stagers You will Graduate on the 2nd day at the end of ‘The Barb Schwarz Home Staging Course.’ RE Agents Your Course is Day One for 1 Seven-Hour day and You will Graduate at the end of that time.

These are the Main topics for Day One Together.

  • The Beginning
  • Staging Ethics
  • Staging Principles
  • Crucial Staging Communication
  • Staging Before and After Rooms and Situations
  • Relationship Business Building
  • Steps of Service that Bring More Business

The Stager Course with Barb

Home Stagers Major Topics in Barb’s New Home Stager Course

  • Understanding Your Clients: Gain insights on, Sellers, Builders, and Investors for effective collaboration and satisfaction.
  • Business Setup Mastery: Learn all about setting up your Staging business, from documents to logistics and material development.
  • Strategic Positioning: Discover exclusive strategies for long-term success and sustained growth.
  • Pricing Precision Strategies: Master competitive yet profitable pricing in your specific market.
  • Client Identify and attract target clients, boosting visibility and appeal.
  • Staging occupied and vacant properties,
  • Creating powerful presentations.
  • Understanding earnings, pricing strategies, and project procurement.
  • Learning the ins and outs of setting up your Staging business, from filing business documents to material development and logistical considerations.
  • Strategic Positioning: Discover exclusive strategies to position your services and business for long-term success and sustained growth.
  • Pricing Precision Strategies: Master the art of pricing your services competitively yet profitably in your specific market, eliminating guesswork and ensuring your worth.
  • Learn the intricacies of staging both occupied and vacant properties, creating compelling presentations that resonate with clients.
  • Team Building Insights: Explore the strategies for growing and nurturing a proficient team—an indispensable element for expanding business operations.
  • Understanding potential earnings, effective pricing strategies for Staging furnishings, and how to procure necessary items for projects.
  • Learning warehousing logistics and the intricacies of wholesale buying for your Staging Projects.

Barbs’ Key Stager Principles

  • Your voice is Your #1 tool!
  • I will teach you My Concept of how to Create and Use a Winning Business.
  • How to be and stay on the offense no matter who you work with.
  • How to end any negativity you hear in the Staging Industry from Sellers, agents, and other Stagers too.
  • Learning The Difference Between The Offense and The Defense and How to Use Each Correctly and Strategically to Create Good!

The Stager Course with Barb

The Stager Course with Barb

As The Inventor of Home Staging and The Staging Industry I wrote the first Home Staging courses in the world and I continued to write and create basic courses, Master courses, specialty courses, employment courses, and more as well as writing and presenting thousands of seminars, speeches, and talks through the years.

But My new Home Staging course I have now written in a different way! A different way from any other course in the very industry I invented and built from the ground up.

The Structure of my Home Staging Course is built upon the following principles in my own Home Staging Career and Business and my own Real Estate Career and Business. I built the ideas myself in my 2 careers through trial and error and they did not exist before I developed them. I wrote my original books and recorded my original audio tapes of my concepts, ideas, programs, experiences and the results with all my clients. I built all I did on my research too of how my clients reacted, responded and worked with me through the years. I did this in my RE Business and in my Staging Business!

The results are the very foundation of what I discovered and then applied to make my business the best ever! The very best ever because I built an industry in Real Estate know as The Staging Industry from it. And That is the proof in the pudding as they say where I grew up and they still do.

What I teach is what I learned from what I developed and prospered from. You will learn and earn Your Barb Schwarz Home Staging Designation from me personally as I Teach and Train You in My Course. As The Inventor of Home Staging and the Staging Industry I have taught over 40,000 hours of Home Staging Education to over One Million Stagers and RE Agents all around the world to this very day. My Home Staging Course is Trans-formative for The Education I bring to you will motivate and empower you daily to build and grow Your Business in more creative better ways that WILL work for you.

I humbly share with you that No one in the world has the 52 Years of Knowledge, Experience, Innovational ideas and concepts in Staging that I bring to You in The Staging Industry that I Invented and Built from the Ground up. And, I hope to see YOU in my ‘Barb Schwarz Home Staging Course’ soon too!.

Thank you, Barb

The Stager Course with Barb